I can't believe that Christmas Break is already over and we have started the second semester of this school year. Time sure does fly by when you are having fun! Even though I fully enjoyed my time off, I did miss my little doodlebugs and I'm glad to be back in the swing of things... but...when is the next break?? :)
For the next month, our theme will be on Winter. What better choice since the weather in Georgia has gotten very very very cold. So cold in fact, that I am having to sleep in sweatshirts and wool socks. I could never survive living in the bitter, cold North with layers and layers of snow each day. I guess I can't complain too much. I believe it's going back up into the 60s.
We played Snowman Bingo! Instead of numbers though, we worked on shapes.
We went on a snowflake hunt. I hid 10 snowflakes around the room. Each snowflake had a number on it. I chose 3 students at a time to go find whichever snowflake I asked for.
I made each one out of a coffee filter |
Once they were all found, I placed them all together on the board and we reviewed the numbers. |
We practiced positional words using snowmen on Popsicle sticks.
This was "In Front" |
This is "Above" As you can tell, they are very photogenic lol |
We tried to see how many snowmen we could jumped. We lined 10 snowmen up vertically and had each student jump to see how many snowmen they could jump. Unfortunately, I was not able to take pictures, but the snowmen looked just like the ones on the Popsicle sticks in the above picture.
Language and Literacy:
I had the students come up with words that reminded them of winter and wrote them on the board. Then I rewrote them on sentence strips and the next day we placed them on the word wall. Whenever I place words on the word wall, I have them tell me what letter they go under.
I'm running out of room already!! There were too many words that start with "S" |
We talked about all the different types of clothes that we wear in the winter time. I printed out, laminated and cut out clothes and put them in a bag, When the students named a type of clothing, I pulled it out of the bag we spelled it, and hung it up.
Sorry the picture is a bit dark |
We had a snowball fight! I cut out squares of paper and wrote a letter on each one. Then we crumbled the paper up and had a snowball fight. When my assistant said stop, the students grabbed a "snowball" and opened it up. When their name was called, they had to say what letter they had. fun huh? What kid wouldn't want to throw paper (snowballs) around ;)
We talked about what the weather is like in the Winter and made a Winter Weather Chart
We made snow!! Well... insta-snow. Just add water!
Then I added all the snow into the sensory table so they could play with it during center time.
We ice skated to music! This was fun and no one got hurt!
Sorry it's a little blurry |
My sweet girls. AND they are dressed for the occasion. |
Ive started a new thing this semester called the "Morning Message" After we talk about calendar, I write down the day, month and year. Then I choose a child to tell me a special sentence and I write that down. I make sure to sound out every word while I'm writing it. They have really started getting good at sounding out letters.
During center time I had the students 1. make snowflakes out of coffee filters 2. cotton ball snowmen 3. make snowmen out of shapes 4. match the correct snowflake to the number. Unfortunately, I was so busy during center time, I was not able to take pictures but I will try to upload pictures of their cotton ball snowmen next week :)
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Joy Echols