Friday, October 21, 2011

Apples GALORE!!

Red, green, yellow, round, bumpy and yummy are just a few words that my students used this week to describe an apple. I don't think I have ever eaten so many of them in one week! If you haven't guessed by now, our theme this week was Apples. Here are just a few of the fun things we did this week:

We made a KWL chart. We started on Monday and did the first two columns and finished the last column on Friday. The one thing that I would recommend when doing a KWL chart is to give them examples. If not, they will not understand what to do and you will have a massive headache within seconds. Model, Model...MODEL!

 I had the students brainstorm a list of foods that we can make from apples. Unfortunately, I do not have the picture of the finished product, but they did come up with some pretty interesting things, one being "applebananas". For the most part, they came up with some good ideas like: applejuice, apple jelly, candy apples, applecake, apple muffins, applebutter, applesauce and caramel apples.

 I made this apple game out of a file folder. I cut five strips and labeled each one with a number (1-5) You could also do this with higher numbers. I used these during small groups. I called out a number and had the students point to that number. Then they opened the flap and put that many number of apples inside (See picture below) Then have them close the flap and repeat. I lamenated a envelope on the back to keep the apples in.

Another small group activity I had them do, was apple stamping. I cut the apples in half (through the middle) making sure I made a star. Then the students took the apple, dipped it in paint, and VOILA. I used yellow, red and green paint only.

We made applesauce!! Here's how in the crock pot:
1 bag of apples
1/2 cup water
Peel apples and cut. Put cut apples in the crock pot and add water. Let it cook on high for 3-4 hours. Mash apples until liking, add cinnamon and sugar and you are ready to eat!

Working together to cut the apple :)

She loved our homemade Applesauce

I hope I gave you a couple of good ideas! :)

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