Monday, October 10, 2011

Our Five Senses

We've just wrapped up our two week theme on The Five Senses! These past two weeks have been filled with lots of learning and fun activities. Below are just a few of the activities we did.

Seeing - Provided binoculars, kaleidoscopes, magnifying glasses and colored lenses and had the students walk around the classroom looking through the different objects.
Hearing - We went on a listening walk around the school! Also, I made a CD with 100 different sounds. The students loved guessing what sound was being made.
 Touching - Mystery Bags are the BEST! Fill paper bags with different objects (ex. spaghetti, peeled grapes, cotton balls, rocks) Your students will DIE to touch what is inside of the bags!
Tasting - I had the students taste different foods (pretzel, pickle, lemon, semi-sweet chocolate) and graph their favorite one.
Smelling - Fill up film canisters with different smells (ex. lemon and vanilla abstract, cinnamon) and see if the students can guess the correct smells. Then add the canisters to the science center!
I had the students make their own Five Senses person. I labeled the top of the paper "______ Has Five Senses" Then I had the students put together their person. Eyes: Wiggly Eyes, Ears: Bells, Nose: Cotton Ball sprayed with perfume, Mouth: Licorice and Hands: Sandpaper.

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